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1CD.............................................. ……………………………………………………………..ESTA PIEZA, SE ENCUENTRA EN BODEGA, NO LA LLEVAMOS AL CHOPO, SI LA DESEAS, FAVOR DE SOLICITARLA AL CORREO fracturerecordsmatriz@gmail.com. O DENTRO DE LA TIENDA EN LINEA www.fracturerecords.com.mx GENERA TU CUENTA, COLOCA LA PIEZA DENTRO DE LA CESTA Y EN FORMA DE PAGO VE A -RECOGER CHOPO- SI QUIERES EL ENVIO, SE PUEDE PROCEDER DE MANERA INMEDIATA.............................................................. 1. Heartbeat Of The Earth 2. Take My Hunger 3. Belladonna & Aconite 4. I Am The One 5. Beltaine 6. Midnight Queen 7. Vampyre Erotica 8. Heart Of Lilith 9. Away With The Faeries 10. Starchild 11. Wild 12. Lord Of The Flame 13. Supernature 14. Preacherman 15. Wytches 16. Catherine ................................................... The definitive, sweetly seductive career-spanning compilation from UK pagan goth masters, Inkubus Sukkubus! Highlights the best tracks from all 8 Inkubus Sukkubus albums including the popular Wytches, Belladonna & Aconite, Midnight Queen, Starchild and more! Inkubus Sukkubus have shared the stage with some of the biggest acts in dark rock including Marilyn Manson, The Mission UK and Nosferatu! A must for fans of Nightwish, Evanescence and a perfect indoctrination into the Sukkubus cult! 1989 was the crux of a new aeon in the worldwide goth movement. The old guard (Sisters Of Mercy, Fields Of The Nephilim, The Mission U.K.) were still vital but the seeds they'd sewn were now bearing strange fruit in the guise of a more extreme, 2nd wave of darklings like Rosetta Stone, Corpus Delicti, Switchblade Symphony & the most pagan of all, Inkubus Sukkubus. These U.K. legends emerged with a quest to fuse their love of darkwave music to the supernatural realms of Witchcraft, Vampirism & Magick. This alchemic blend was in fact a very natural soundtrack to their occult lifestyle & its effects can still be enjoyed to this day. Over a decade & a half has passed since the spell was first cast, so we celebrate a mystical career in motion on this anthology of fan favorites & gothic classics. Blessed be! --Cleopatra Records ……………………………………………………………..ESTA PIEZA, SE ENCUENTRA EN BODEGA, NO LA LLEVAMOS AL CHOPO, SI LA DESEAS, FAVOR DE SOLICITARLA AL CORREO fracturerecordsmatriz@gmail.com. O DENTRO DE LA TIENDA EN LINEA www.fracturerecords.com.mx GENERA TU CUENTA, COLOCA LA PIEZA DENTRO DE LA CESTA Y EN FORMA DE PAGO VE A -RECOGER CHOPO- SI QUIERES EL ENVIO, SE PUEDE PROCEDER DE MANERA INMEDIATA.............................................................. ............................................................. SI NO ENCUENTRAS LO QUE BUSCAS, POR FAVOR VE A “CONTACTENOS” O ESCRIBE UN CORREO A fracturerecordsmatriz@gmail.com Y PREGUNTANOS POR TU ARTICULO, MUCHOS DE ELLOS LOS TRABAJAMOS DE UNA MANERA PERSONALIZA…………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. PRECIOS SUJETOS A CAMBIOS SIN PREVIO AVISO.