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1 CD
1CD.................................................... ……………………………………………………………..ESTA PIEZA, SE ENCUENTRA EN BODEGA, NO LA LLEVAMOS AL CHOPO, SI LA DESEAS, FAVOR DE SOLICITARLA AL CORREO fracturerecordsmatriz@gmail.com. O DENTRO DE LA TIENDA EN LINEA www.fracturerecords.com.mx GENERA TU CUENTA, COLOCA LA PIEZA DENTRO DE LA CESTA Y EN FORMA DE PAGO VE A -RECOGER CHOPO- SI QUIERES EL ENVIO, SE PUEDE PROCEDER DE MANERA INMEDIATA.............................................................. 1 Red or White Wine? 2 Drawing the Devil 3 Pleasure to End All Pleasures 4 Worse Than a Fairy Tale 5 They'Ll Never Get Me (Word with You) 6 It Sounded Like an Accident 7 45223 8 It's Pretty Hard to Beat the King 9 Donner, Party of Five 10 Saylor Lake 11 Bye Bye Blues (the Whole West Coast Is Ruined) 12 I Want to Master Life and Death ........................................................ Drop Dead, Gorgeous are an intense, screamy post-hardcore band hailing from Denver, Colorado whose eldest member clocks in at the ripe age of 21. The band has been together for two+ years, and are catching on like wildfire due to their unique sound. Lots of bands are playing music that's heavier than a slab of granite, but Drop Dead, Gorgeous like to keep things interesting and unpredictable, thanks to their use of keyboards and pianos, which give their album plenty of rich dynamics. The album is dissonant, but melodies are omnipresent. The keyboards set DD,G apart from the oversaturated, overcrowded, dime-a-dozen pack. Their indie LP on Rise Records has sold over 30,000 since its release in May 2006. ........................................................................... ……………………………………………………………..ESTA PIEZA, SE ENCUENTRA EN BODEGA, NO LA LLEVAMOS AL CHOPO, SI LA DESEAS, FAVOR DE SOLICITARLA AL CORREO fracturerecordsmatriz@gmail.com. O DENTRO DE LA TIENDA EN LINEA www.fracturerecords.com.mx GENERA TU CUENTA, COLOCA LA PIEZA DENTRO DE LA CESTA Y EN FORMA DE PAGO VE A -RECOGER CHOPO- SI QUIERES EL ENVIO, SE PUEDE PROCEDER DE MANERA INMEDIATA.............................................................. SI NO ENCUENTRAS LO QUE BUSCAS, POR FAVOR VE A “CONTACTENOS” Y PREGUNTANOS POR TU ARTICULO, MUCHOS DE ELLOS LOS TRABAJAMOS DE UNA MANERA PERSONALIZADA………………………………………………………. PRECIOS SUJETOS A CAMBIOS SIN PREVIO AVISO.